10 Days Update

I went to get my bandages changed 10 days after the surgery. My left foot looked really well, my stitches looked great. My right foot however, is kinda slow on healing. My second toe looks good but my third toe (which has poor circulation) still had a small area of necrotic tissue and it still looked swollen. My surgeon said my third toe will just need a little bit more time to heal and decided not to remove my stitches this visit but he will in a week. 

He did change my bandages and I was starting to get annoyed with the heavy duty bandages so I asked him to make them less heavy and not wrapped all the way around my ankles. After the 10 days mark, I was starting to feel bored of being bed bound and so I started walking around more by using the edges of my feet (that gave me really achy feet by the end of the day though). There is no pain anymore, just slight discomfort when I put pressure on my feet. I still cant wear normal shoes because my bandages are too fat and the pressure on my toes did feel uncomfortable. 

Overall, Im free of pain other than discomfort when I try walking and I just cannot wait to get better so that I can get back to normal. 

                                                              My New Bandages!


  1. Hi. I'm a 22 year old female and last month I got this same surgery on my left foot. This blog has been really helpful to me, so thank you for sharing. My surgery has had some complications and during the first week my doctor had to remove some stitches on the inside of the third toe. Because of this, that part of the toe is open and has to heal on its own, and fluid is coming out and moistening the entire area in between the toes. My doctor is nervous that this wetness is going to kill the flap of skin on the other toe, because the toes are constantly together and touching. Did you ever have any issues with wetness in between the toes? Or did your doctor have a way of airing out the area in between the toes to help the skin heal? Any comments on this would be really appreciated. Thanks!


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