
Showing posts from June, 2018

10 Days Update

I went to get my bandages changed 10 days after the surgery. My left foot looked really well, my stitches looked great. My right foot however, is kinda slow on healing. My second toe looks good but my third toe (which has poor circulation) still had a small area of necrotic tissue and it still looked swollen. My surgeon said my third toe will just need a little bit more time to heal and decided not to remove my stitches this visit but he will in a week.  He did change my bandages and I was starting to get annoyed with the heavy duty bandages so I asked him to make them less heavy and not wrapped all the way around my ankles. After the 10 days mark, I was starting to feel bored of being bed bound and so I started walking around more by using the edges of my feet (that gave me really achy feet by the end of the day though). There is no pain anymore, just slight discomfort when I put pressure on my feet. I still cant wear normal shoes because my bandages are too fat and the press...

Post Op

In the recovery room my surgeon told me that he was worried about the vascularity in my 3rd toe on my right foot. When I did look at my 3rd toe, it was blue and thats when I started freaking out. Somehow I pulled myself to sit up and I started slowly massaging the tip of my toe since my foot was bandaged. I hoped massaging it would help the blood circulation. I think it did because about 20 minutes later I could see it get more colour. However, the surgeon told me that it was a waiting game and the flap might have been sutured too tight.  When I was taken up to my room to stay the night, I wasn't in any pain due to the fact that I was on strong painkillers. I couldn't sleep that night because I kept on checking on my toe. In the morning, a doctor came in and said that my toes looked like they had enough blood flow and that helped ease my mind. I got to leave the next day.  I basically needed help with everything the first few days and you will need help with nearly ev...

Pre Op

Hello. I’m a 20 year old female and I was born with bilateral toes syndactyly. All my life I have been so embarrassed and ashamed of them so I decided to get them separated. Because I was a minor I had to obviously ask my parents for permission and even just bringing it up was hell. I went to see an orthopedic surgeon and he explained to me the procedure, which would consist of a z plasty and a skin graft If needed. A few days before the surgery I went to the hospital to get a blood test for the anesthesiologist.I also told him I wanted regional anesthesia instead of general and I’m so glad I went with that option. On the day of the surgery, I wasn’t really nervous.. or maybe I was just numb. I didn’t think it would happen and the day was finally here. I was admitted 4 hours before my surgery and during that time my blood pressure was taken and an iv was put in. A nurse also came in and did a skin test for an antibiotic (it hurt, a lot). Soon enough I was told to change into t...